I went to Ocala for a follow-up visit. Nothing much changed information-wise. But, I did get a lot of clarification on 'things'.


He stressed, again, the difficult nature of the surgery. In other words, I think I can expect the cancer to reappear at some time in the future.


The doctor said that 35% of the prostate had cancer. It's nice to know it wasn't 100%. He said the planes or plains were not well defined... meaning he had trouble identifying the prostate so he could remove it. That was caused by the Lupron.


The cancer was found outside of the prostate. However, the fatty tissue around the prostate had what I'd call a boundary where the cancer was not found. This is what is meant by "good margins". There was some cancer in the fatty tissue, of course. But, beyond a certain point there was none. That is "encouraging".


I will return in 2 weeks for another follow-up visit. At that time, I think we'll do a PSA. It will be skewed due to the hormonal therapy (Lupron and Casodex). But, it will give us a reference point. The PSA should be less than .2 to be considered negligible. He said after about 6-8 weeks the PSA should reach it's nadir. That's doc lingo for "reach it's lowest point". (I think that's the appropriate use of the word.)


He said I could go rowing if I wanted to. He said some people would be playing golf by now. (I don't think so.) My goal is to be a shell by Christmas. I will jump on an erg (ergometer, a.k.a. rowing machine) and do SOMETHING, if only 500 meters... light pressure. He said my body would tell me how it liked that by making me tired or by swelling up on me.


I think that's about it... for the non-squeemish stuff.


Now, for the disclaimer, again... You may want to stop at this point and not read any further...




I went back to my sources and double checked 'things'. It dawned on me that there is another pathway involved with the male reproductive system that is not part of the urethra. I covered that last time.


The Vas Deferens is the pathway from the testicles up to the prostate and seminal vesicles. That was treated just like a vasectomy, he said... only higher "up". That answered that question. After a period of time the body will quit producing sperm.


That's about it.


Thanks again for the support.

